Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Custom Framing for College Grads

Are you apart of the graduating class of 2011, or know anyone that is? Linco Custom Picture Framing has been framing college degrees for college grads near and far. Recent college grads or friends or family members have been bringing in degrees for custom framing, which includes a border reflecting the school’s colors.

“College graduates work very hard and put a lot of work into achieving their degree, so displaying it for everyone to see in an office, home office or study is a must,” said Linco Inc. President, Steve Lindemann.

For local students, Linco can deliver the finished product, and for those out of the area or state, Linco can ship ground or air.

Additionally, Linco can frame any degree with the tassel from a cap, or a university photo (of yourself or the campus).

Linco did a recent framing job for a Cal Poly Pomona graduate with the CLA building picture above the University Diploma and school colors; a green background and yellow trim.

Cal State Fullerton, Mt. San Antonio College, Cal State Long Beach, Pepperdine University, UCI and UCR are among the recent custom framework by Linco.

Call for pricing.